Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Democracy or no?

There are some commentators and bloggers who demand that it should be acceptable that there is a form of "islamic" democracy*. I wonder two things: wtf is an islamic democracy? and, why should it be acceptable?
Democracy in its modern form is a set of rules that faciliates popular vote on how the people are governed.
This may take the form of representative democracy whereby the populace elects representitives who convene in a body and make decisions for day to day business and posits questions for the popular vote.
In order to function this political system must assume the relative sameness of individuals. This means that each individual of the populace is entitled his or her vote. Along with this vote is a set of civil rights which is enjoyed by each and every individual.
If only a select number of individuals is entitled to vote and have rights than the resulting form of governement is no longer a democracy but an oligarchy.
The sameness of individuals implies that each has a say about matters regardless of individual opinion. Including religious opinion, or any opinion for that matter!
If, perchance, a particular opinion is required, or at least public expression of opinion regardless of inner conviction is required, then some individuals are privileged. Because they are not forced to profess to an opinion they do not have. Whereas the unconvinced are discriminated because they must lie in public to qualify for the vote!
Such a form of government is no democracy.
This means there cannot be an islamic democracy, nor a catholic democracy, nor a flying-spaghetti-monster democracy!

If, we people of the west, want to have relative peace we either can ignore other countries which do not have our standards of civilization, and, importantly, not exploit theses countries.
Or we interact with them, trade with them and so forth. But then we must explain how we do things, and how we reached our high standard of living and relative wealth.
This we cannot do if we try to appease all sorts of people showing of bizarre behaviour which are relics from savage ages.
Such appeasement will be interpreted as weakness, whereas, it is not! We understand this sort of appeasement as simple courtesy, good manners. They understand it as weakness of our opinion (and our political system).
Therefore we must stand firm on our principles, in a courteous form.


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