Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Kali's Skull

 So I know it's been a minute since I've updated, so here goes. Business has been slowing down (as per this season) so I've been doing what I can to get my friends in the shop to do some portfolio pieces, and working on artwork. For some reason I've been in some sort of block lately... haven't been inspired to paint until just recently.

On a good note, Kali came in yesterday to finish her skull! Very excited about this one. I still want to go back into the skull and smooth it out some more... still need to work on that. When I get a touchup session in with her I will also take really good pics... I want this one in my book! She's a trooper for letting me so done fun stuff on her... Kudos to Kali!

 This was a cool walkin while I was working at No Ka Oi this past saturday... she got this image from a children's book cover, where there's a figure flying in the sky being followed by a canadian goose. We sort of hodge-podged this together, just added the goose and figure. Hope to see her back for more background and such....

 Cross done in nj... again still need to work on my shading. Linework is getting easier by the day, however shading will take some time to master... Looks like I need to tune my machines as well!
 Small bird
 Lettering and zodiac symbol
 Another walkin in NJ... he brought in this symbol that he wanted in the middle of the sun... After some revisions we found something that he was happy with, and here we are.

Back of the neck- always a challenge! this was a mother/daughter bonding tattoo, they each got the same thing, same place.

Until next time.... I will have more smooth shading! practice practice practice! I still can't believe a year has passed already!

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