Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Avant Guard + Jamieshow Project

People who know me would know how much I dislike the body of Avant Guard and its face up. AG as its name is trying to do some bold and avant guard styling. Unfortunately, I don’t think JW could deliver it successfully… at least not to me! But to be fair, I like their face moulds. Lately, I received the new generation Jamieshow body as a gift, and I found that AG’s head size fits perfectly on that body!

It is so convenient to put on and off doll heads on JS body, the posing…totally amazing!!!

Now, I have a plan on collecting AG’s heads and playing with wigs and poseing. I would have some of the heads repainted soon!

ag heads and js body Be aware that not all AG’s skin tone match with JS body. But slightly difference would not bother me much!

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