Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Project of 2nd Generation JamieShow Body + Avant Guard Head

     ***  Doll Nudity.  View the below at your own discretion ***IMG_5249

ag.liverwire kiss

Those who are on my Flickr friend list might have already seen the result of my project on Avant Guard’s head on the 2nd generation Jamie show's body (click here). This “hybrid” doll is astonishing!  It has drawn almost all of my attention in the past 2 months! I have bought a Eclectic about half a year ago, then in just less that 2 months’ time, I have collected more AG than I have expected… … 

The Match and Not Match:

The AG that I have are: - Freeze Frame, Eclectic, On Edge, Goldmine, LUSH and Livewire. Freeze Frame’s skin tone fits Caucasian JS body the best, then Eclectic comes second. On Edge is a bit earthy in tone, not perfect but ok to play with. Goldmine and LUSH are too pale that is totally out of the question!. Livewire, unfortunately, is not AA black but mocha tan while JS’s AA body is actually reddish orange tan, not a good match!

  electric motiionlivewire-avant-guard-close-up

on edge on jamishowfreeze frame on jamieshow tilt 

     freeze frame avant guargfreeze frame closeup 

 freeze frame on jamieshow body          freeze frame sucking thumbs

The Clever Engineering:

jamieshow-thighThe full articulation (almost) of JS’s body plus the varieties on the expressive hands make her versatile and able to pose as a fashion model. She could even do some seductive poses like leaning on one side and have her legs crossed gracefully. All thank you to the clever engineering on the mobility thighs. The “cross guide” design inside the upper leg section does not only help to hold the legs in position but also gives the mobility to the maximum. You can see a comparison picture on an original Goldmine verse Freeze Frame head on JS body picture here. Goldmine looks very stiff and could not stand properly, while with just a feel twists on the JS body, she could pose really really lovely!

goldmine vs freeze frame

       IMG_5370           eclectric on jamieshow body  AG on JS body posingAttention Sucks

           avant-guard-eclectic-queen   eclectic-avant-guard-motion2

 AG vs... Tonner Head:

This JS replacement body comes with 2 adaptors, one for Tonner and a shorter one for Antoinette. I tried my Freddy Tan repainted Daphne on that body, the adaptor poked inside the head hole firmly. The head could move in all direction smoothly. Except that what you look at the doll from the bottom up, it looks as if there a short gap between the head and the neck. Having said that if you look from the front or have the head pointing downward a little bit, it looks cool!

Tonner Daphne  on Jamieshow tonner daphne on jamieshow

tonner daphne on jamieshow down up 2  jamieshow-neck-joint

Meanwhile, AG’s head size is a perfect match in scale as if the body is designed for AG. The original AG’s head could not tilt much as if she has a stiff neck, but once it is on JS body, AG becomes alive. The only weakness is that if you do not hold the doll upright, the head would fall off. I hope JS would consider produce an adaptor to fit AG also. After all, there are many people like me wanted to have AG head on JS body! 

Avant Guard neck holeavant guard head hole comparesion 3

Note: The position of the hole in the head is vary from head to head!   It does not only  happen on AG but also on Tonner. I have no ideas why though!

jamieshow adaptor to avant guard

Note: The head could tilt around smoothly and hold the position. When you move the head downwards, it would look like that in the back. But don’t worry, the head would not fall. Only when you pointing the whole doll flat less the 180 degrees, then the head would fall off.

If you do not want to glue it on permanently, you can use eye putty for BJD inset eyes or blue tack to keep it in place. Then you could change heads whenever you like.freeze frame on js back

Further Improvements Suggestion:

Any further improvement needed? To me, if JS body could have a double knee joints, and do some shape modification on the sole (with higher arch) and toes (in greater details like her hands), then she would be close to perfect to me!

ag.livewire kiss full

Picture credit: Cliff CHAN

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