Friday, April 29, 2011

The culture of death!

So it does appear: the culture of death. Not in the promulgation of condoms. Not in the improvement of access to abortion.
More blatantly.
In order to celebrate the beatification of a dead fellow mammal, the most antiscientific society on earth has opened a grave. The grave of Carol Wojtilwja. This appalling ceremony took place in the Vatican City! A city-state which is no democracy. Its head is a absolutistic Diktator. Benedict XVI. also known as Joseph Ratzinger. It is he who ordered this goulish act of  grave-disturbance.
The corpse is not overly decayed, so they say, further proof of sanctitiy.
Nauseating gouhlish inquisitveness!
Corpses should lie inviolate from modern interest!
But then, even a capsule of blood of the deceased, taken from him when he was alive, is now declared a sacred relic by this "church".
The previous Pope is now a beatic being. Soon they will say that he is a Saint. A being that shares with their God a sliver of deity!
So much for monotheism!
Certainly the current pope will expect no less from his successor!

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